
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Five for Friday...Well, The Whole Summer Really...

Hi everyone! I know, what's up? I haven't blogged since Mother's Day! Sooooo, I guess it's about time!!

I'm linking up today for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching, but it's a post not for just one week. It's for the WHOLE summer!

First up, I was honored with being named my school's Teacher of the Year! It was such an honor! We have some amazing teachers at my school so I was so surprised! My principal actually called my husband and told him and then surprised me during my end of the year celebration!  He and the boys even kept it a secret!!

Next up, I had applied for a new job as a system-wide technology coach.  I found out that I was one of six finalists for an interview.  I had not interviewed for a new job in over 11 years!  I was a bit rusty!  In fact, my interview started out horribly!  I had to do a 5 minute introduction about myself and then a 10 minute demonstration of a Google App since we are a GAFE school.  In the first 5 minutes, I tried to put my flash drive in the wrong port and then, I CRASHED the computer!  Really?!?!  The interview could only go up, right???  Thankfully, it did.  During the demo, I taught the interview committee something they didn't know about the Gmail!  The IT director knew, but the others didn't so I felt really good about that!  However, the first part of the interview still loomed over me.  Stayed tuned till the end of the post to find out the results...

A very sad part of my summer was that my husband's dad passed away.  He had been off and on sick for about 2 years and my husband's mom has been taking care of him.  In June, he was hospitalized, went to a nursing home for rehab, relapsed, and  passed away in the span of 3 weeks.   It was the first loss of a parent for either my husband or me so it has been quite an adjustment for all of us, but everyone's doing okay for the most part.

We have also been on vacation already this summer.  We had a great time. We had lots of beautiful weather, sun, sand, and time with family and friends.  

And finally, the results of my interview...

I got the job!!!!  Even after the horrible start to my interview!  When I called my husband, he said, "Sooooo, everyone else did worse than you???"  My response was, "I guess so!"  Another lady and I were hired to split the schools in our county and as we have been talking about the job, we also have discussed our interviews.  She went home and cried because she felt hers went horribly too.  We have laughed that we are the best of the worst!!  I am so excited about this new challenge, but I have a HUGE learning curve to get through! 

I haven't really decided what to do with this lil old blog, but I would like to continue it with commentary on how our school system is implementing GAFE (Google Apps for Education) and how to effectively use it impact instruction.  

Stay tuned!

Till next time...
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