
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Seriously September

Can you believe it is time to link up with Farley for Currently?  Seriously, it's September, y'all!!  Wowzer!  Where has the time gone?!?!

Anyway, here is my September Currently.

Sooooo, like Farley, I am obsessed with Big Brother!  I am currently watching an episode of Big Brother After Dark.  I can't get enough of the regular show so I have to record all the BBAD episodes too.

I am absolutely LOVING my new job!  I am the Instructional Technology Coach for all the elementary schools in my district! Love, love, love it!  The running joke in my family is that I can go to the bathroom when I want to!  Come on now teachers, you know what I mean!!  That is big if you can go when you actually need to go!

I'm thinking that I still have a huge learning curve that goes along with my new job, but it's getting smaller!

I am NOT wanting to take my son tomorrow to his study visit tomorrow.  He has a kidney disease and was asked to be a part of a national study.  He's been in the study since he was about 7 and gets to have tests that he wouldn't receive in a normal course of care.  Tomorrow is the LONG visit - 7 hours with blood draws periodically throughout the day and an echocardiogram...Fun stuff...

I am needing absolutely nothing.  I am been so blessed in my life!

The three trips I would love to take are to London, Washington, D.C., and Paris.   Three beautiful places that are so full of history.  I would love to ramble and explore in all three of these cities!

So, that's it for my September Currently!  Now, it's time for you to go link up!  Hurry!  It's not too late!! 

Till next time...

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