
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Seriously September

Can you believe it is time to link up with Farley for Currently?  Seriously, it's September, y'all!!  Wowzer!  Where has the time gone?!?!

Anyway, here is my September Currently.

Sooooo, like Farley, I am obsessed with Big Brother!  I am currently watching an episode of Big Brother After Dark.  I can't get enough of the regular show so I have to record all the BBAD episodes too.

I am absolutely LOVING my new job!  I am the Instructional Technology Coach for all the elementary schools in my district! Love, love, love it!  The running joke in my family is that I can go to the bathroom when I want to!  Come on now teachers, you know what I mean!!  That is big if you can go when you actually need to go!

I'm thinking that I still have a huge learning curve that goes along with my new job, but it's getting smaller!

I am NOT wanting to take my son tomorrow to his study visit tomorrow.  He has a kidney disease and was asked to be a part of a national study.  He's been in the study since he was about 7 and gets to have tests that he wouldn't receive in a normal course of care.  Tomorrow is the LONG visit - 7 hours with blood draws periodically throughout the day and an echocardiogram...Fun stuff...

I am needing absolutely nothing.  I am been so blessed in my life!

The three trips I would love to take are to London, Washington, D.C., and Paris.   Three beautiful places that are so full of history.  I would love to ramble and explore in all three of these cities!

So, that's it for my September Currently!  Now, it's time for you to go link up!  Hurry!  It's not too late!! 

Till next time...

Sunday, August 3, 2014

New job and Back to School Sale

In the world of The Bomb-Diggity Classroom, it is kinda strange that I am not getting my own classroom ready for a new group of students. I definitely would be stressing as many of you are.  I am totally loving my new job, but I am going to miss my former coworkers and the students!   

 My world recently has been getting ready for technology training in all of the elementary schools.  It's a daunting thought that I am now responsible for technology professional development...However, I am excited about all the possibilities for the upcoming year!  We will be learning all about Google Apps for Education and how to implement it in the classroom!  We also will be implementing a few other things and continuing training in some other technologies.

As we have been preparing for the upcoming year, one of the items on the agenda was to train the new teachers.  I had three sessions on Mimio, which is an interactive whiteboard application, and my partner had three sessions on Google Apps.  We both were extremely nervous since it was our first official presentations with our new jobs! 

On a different note, I would like to invite you to my TeachersPayTeachers Back to School Sale coming up August 4th-5th.  Stop by to pick up your back to school items.   

                                              300 × 300

Till next time...

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Five for Friday...Well, The Whole Summer Really...

Hi everyone! I know, what's up? I haven't blogged since Mother's Day! Sooooo, I guess it's about time!!

I'm linking up today for Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching, but it's a post not for just one week. It's for the WHOLE summer!

First up, I was honored with being named my school's Teacher of the Year! It was such an honor! We have some amazing teachers at my school so I was so surprised! My principal actually called my husband and told him and then surprised me during my end of the year celebration!  He and the boys even kept it a secret!!

Next up, I had applied for a new job as a system-wide technology coach.  I found out that I was one of six finalists for an interview.  I had not interviewed for a new job in over 11 years!  I was a bit rusty!  In fact, my interview started out horribly!  I had to do a 5 minute introduction about myself and then a 10 minute demonstration of a Google App since we are a GAFE school.  In the first 5 minutes, I tried to put my flash drive in the wrong port and then, I CRASHED the computer!  Really?!?!  The interview could only go up, right???  Thankfully, it did.  During the demo, I taught the interview committee something they didn't know about the Gmail!  The IT director knew, but the others didn't so I felt really good about that!  However, the first part of the interview still loomed over me.  Stayed tuned till the end of the post to find out the results...

A very sad part of my summer was that my husband's dad passed away.  He had been off and on sick for about 2 years and my husband's mom has been taking care of him.  In June, he was hospitalized, went to a nursing home for rehab, relapsed, and  passed away in the span of 3 weeks.   It was the first loss of a parent for either my husband or me so it has been quite an adjustment for all of us, but everyone's doing okay for the most part.

We have also been on vacation already this summer.  We had a great time. We had lots of beautiful weather, sun, sand, and time with family and friends.  

And finally, the results of my interview...

I got the job!!!!  Even after the horrible start to my interview!  When I called my husband, he said, "Sooooo, everyone else did worse than you???"  My response was, "I guess so!"  Another lady and I were hired to split the schools in our county and as we have been talking about the job, we also have discussed our interviews.  She went home and cried because she felt hers went horribly too.  We have laughed that we are the best of the worst!!  I am so excited about this new challenge, but I have a HUGE learning curve to get through! 

I haven't really decided what to do with this lil old blog, but I would like to continue it with commentary on how our school system is implementing GAFE (Google Apps for Education) and how to effectively use it impact instruction.  

Stay tuned!

Till next time...
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day and an End of the Year Freebie

      Better late than never, but Happy Mother's Day to all my blogging friends! I hope it has been the best one ever! Over on my facebook page, I posted a picture of the craft that we made for our awesome classroom mothers! In case you missed it, here is a little looksy!

I have made these for my classroom mothers and through multiple siblings.  It was awesome to hear that some of them still have them and treasure them!

      I know many of you are only a FEW days away from summer vacay!  Please, please don't rub it in!  We have to go until June 6th!  I know, right?!   We still have 19 days to go!  I'm looking so forward to summer, but another part of me is soooooo sad!  I have a great group of sweet kiddos and am going to HATE to see them go!


      Many of you are looking for a great activity to share with your kiddos for the end of the year.  My students have always loved this next little freebie!  It is a little memory booklet that the students will be able to take home that includes things that their classmates liked or remembered about them.  It gives them a way to practice those writing skills that you have been working on all year long! I have included some color versions and black and white versions. Just click on the picture to take you to TeachersPayTeachers.

I hope you and your kiddos enjoy!

BTW, I guess I'm just begging for a letdown, but how many days of school do you have left??  I promise I won't cry...well, maybe... ;)

Till next time...
Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Currently

I'm a little late to the Farley party, but here goes...

I'm currently listening to/watching the movie Pitch-Perfect.  I've been wanting to see this movie.  My hubby is currently playing on his phone. Not so much his type of movie...Oh well...

I am loving our beautiful weather!  Of course, here in Georgia, that means instead of spring we get the season of POLLEN!  Ugh!  That, I do not love!

I am thinking that it is going to be a long two weeks before we get to our Spring Break!  

My student teacher's time with us is done and I really am not ready to see her leave.  She has been such a big help in the classroom!  

I have so much to get done within the next two weeks!  My to-do list needs to be way shorter, but is a teacher's to-do ever?  Wishful thinking, I know!

Our last day is June 6th.  What we we thinking we approved that calendar?!  We have never gotten out this late!  Our hours are 7:30 - 3:30.

I hope the start of your April has been fabulous!

Till next time...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

March Currently and Math Strategies

Happy Sunday y'all!  Tomorrow is Monday, but for some of you Spring Break is just around the corner!  I don't have that luxury!  We don't have another break until the end of April!  That seems like a V-E-R-Y time away!!

I'm stopping in tonight to link up with Farley for her Currently linky!  Love it and I love her new blog design! Hop over there and take a peek!

Here's a look at my Currently!

Listening to the Oscars pre-show on E!  I love looking at all the beautiful dresses!

Loving that we are finally having a bit of beautiful weather!

Thinking that I have been fighting a cold and I really need for it to stay away!

Wanting some wonderful Banana Cream Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory.

Needing to NOT eat cheesecake and to exercise more!

And...the answer to my secret question is...MATH!

Speaking of math, I have just finished re-working a pack that I have used with my parents to help them understand all the Common Core addition and subtraction strategies.  I absolutely LOVE teaching my students these strategies and I tell them it's like choosing from a menu (think CAFE) and they should pick the strategy or strategies that they understand and use it (them) in order to efficiently solve the given problems.  I want them to have a grasp of all the strategies, but they are not necessarily going to be proficient in all of them.  I want them to use what works for them because everyone sees and thinks about numbers differently.  The goal of using these strategies is that students think flexibly about number.  

The down side to teaching these strategies is that often parents have no idea how to help their students.  With my new pack, I send home the little cards that are included in the pack.  The little cards give an explanation of each strategy with an example.  I copy the addition cards on one color and the subtraction cards on another color.  

Go check it out in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  And for sticking with me is the L-O-N-G post, the first three who comment get it FREE!

Don't forget to link up with Farley too!

Till next time...
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's a Sale!

           Hi y'all!  I hope you all have been having a great week so far!  It's only Tuesday and I'm exhausted already!  This is only my second week working a full week since Christmas!  That is really hard to believe, but because of holidays, Snowmageddon, and Icemageddon, we have not had a full week!

          Anyway, I wanted to stop by and remind you about the Teachers Pay Teachers sale!  This is a fabulous time to stock up on your wish list wants!  See you at the sale!!

                                                300 × 300

Till next time...
Monday, February 10, 2014

Valentines, Ice, and a FREEBIE!!

It's almost the day of LoVe!  My kiddos are so excited!  Typically, Valentine's is all about some candy.  However, at our school, we have STRICT no sweets rule!  That means we can't have cakes, cookies, cupcakes, candy, etc. at our parties or give any type of food as a reward.

Well, there goes the cute little Valentines cards that includes the candy.  To get around that, I've decided to do a cute, little Valentines homework pass.  I think they'll really love it!  I mean, who doesn't like a night free of homework!?!  Teachers included!!!

Here in Georgia, they are calling for more snow and ice!  You've probably heard of what happened in Atlanta two weeks ago.  Snowmageddon??   Many schools have already cancelled for tomorrow and Wednesday.  We haven't yet.  They SAY our area should really get bad until Tuesday night...We'll see!  Anyway, with as much ice that is expected, we may not even make it to school on Valentine's Day!  I sure hope so though!

Anyway, I'm including my little Valentine's homework pass!  I hope you and your students love them!  Just hop over to TeachersPayTeachers or click on the image to grab your homework passes!

Till next time...
Saturday, February 1, 2014

February Currently

I seriously cannot believe it is time for the FaBuLoUs Farley's February Currently!

This year is already flying by and it just started!!  Here's mine!

I'm LISTENING to Jack Hanna!  I love animals and learning more about them.  I have loved Jack Hanna since, well forever, I think!  My family thinks I'm a little nuts, but oh well...

I'm LOVING this lazy Saturday!  

I'm THINKING that next week will be a little cray-cray!  Since we were out 3 1/2 days last week with snow and ice, next week is going to be a flurry of activity!


I am WANTING more snow!  There is just something magical about snow here in the south!  I can do without the ice, but bring on the snow!  (I know my friends up north and the midwest are wishing that snow would leave and never come back!)

I am NEEDING to be more productive actually get out of my pajammas!

TRUTH - I love winter!  I am so cold natured, but I can pile on some blankets!  I love summer too, but the heat and humidity can sometimes be completely stifling!

FIB - I was never a jump rope champion.  Maybe in my mind, but not in reality!  LOL!

TRUTH - I could eat Mexican everyday of the year!  Love it!

That's it for me!  Now go link up with Farley and let us know what you've been up to!

Oh, and don't forget I'm having a Super Bowl Teachers Pay Teachers sale today and tomorrow!  You pick up my latest Scan and Listen March Listening Center (using QR codes!)

Till next time...

Friday, January 31, 2014

Five for Friday: Snowmageddon 2014

Hi everyone!  I know, I know, it's been a while!  A LOONNGG while!!!  I'm here to do a quick Five for Friday post ---the Snowmageddon 2014 edition!

Here in Georgia, it has been absolutely cray-cray!  I'm sure you've seen the news!  People were stuck on the interstates, kids stuck in buses and at school...  But, out of all the horrible things, there have been lots of stories of heroes!  This picture says it all though:

We went to school on Monday and planned for an early release day on Tuesday ahead of the storm.  We waited all day for the storm to arrive.  Well, not really.  We waited until about 12:30.  We had a little wintry mix, but by the time we dismissed just 30 minutes later we had full-blown SNOW!  We hadn't seen snow for about 2 years so excitement was abounding!!  All of our school system's students made it home in plenty of time before it got really bad in our county!  Thank goodness!

We were really down in attendance on Tuesday however.  We really couldn't do a whole lot so we did all things snow-related.  We wrote about snow, made snowflakes, measured the temperature, etc...  Here is a little picture of our 3D snowflakes that we made.  

Mainly because of ice, we did not have students Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.  I don't remember ever being out this many days for snow/ice!!  In the meantime, we got to go sledding!  I absolutely LOVE to sled!  I met up with one of my kiddos at the local park for some sledding on the golf course!  (Her mom is also our media specialist.)  
That's ME going head first!  And, my son trying snow-boarding!

Today, staff had to go in at 11.  I got a good bit done!  I think I'm caught up!  Haha!!!!! Said, no teacher EVER!!!

Super Bowl Sunday is coming up!  In honor of the event, I'm having a Super Bowl sale on Saturday and Sunday!  Everything is 20% off!
Thanks to Ideas by Jivey for this graphic!
Wipe some of those things off your Wish List!

Till next time...                                      

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