
Monday, April 29, 2013

Instagram Fun was back to the real world after my wonderful, awesome, not-long-enough spring break!  Now, we only have 19 more days of school!  Whoop-whoop!  I really am going to be sad to see this sweet bunch of kiddos go!  But, so excited for summer!  This will be the first summer in a couple of years that I have not had to work on grad school classes!

      On another you instagram?  I so, so love this app!  Now, I have The Bomb-Diggity Classroom on instagram!  Come follow me and join in the fun!

      I am so excited to link up with What the Teacher Wants and Apples and ABC's for their #teachertalktuesday.  The idea is to post a pic that you want to share every Tuesday with the hashtag #teachertalktuesday so that we all can connect with teachers around the world to see what they are up to.  
Sound fun, right?

      Here are a few of my favorite pics:

Flowers from my sweet hubby!

You might as well... :)
My little math team!  So smart!!

            Now, head over and join the party!  It's going to be so fun to see #teachertalktuesday in action!  See you tomorrow!  :)

Till next time...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tech Tuesday ---Level it app

     Hey y'all!  I have mentioned before that I am obsessed just a little, well a little too much, with my iphone! There are so many cool things that you can do!  Recently, I have discovered that I could catalog my classroom library with this little gem called Level It Books.  I have tried other catalogs for designed for teachers, but I really have not had much luck with them, but this one is really great!  I found it recently on Pinterest and have really enjoyed adding in some of my books!  

      It is not a free app.  However, it is on sale for $2.99 right now.  I have no idea how long it will be on sale.  It is normally $4.99.

      The home page always lists a book of the day.  It will list the reading level, lexile, guided reading level, and the dra level.  It will also list what genre.  Underneath the book of the day, there are other books that have been recently added.  From what I have learned so far, there are lots more books already in their database than in the other cataloging apps I have used.  At the very bottom of the home page are all the menu choices you have navigate through.   

      On the next menu tab, you have to first set up the name of your library.  And you can set up multiple libraries.  I am planning to also add a library for all my professional type books.  Sometimes I forget what all I have bought and they are just a waste of money if I'm not using them!  
      Anyway, there are two ways you can add books.  You can scan them in or you can manually put them it.    Right now, I have been putting all my books in manually because all my school books are at school...and I'm on spring break!!  :)  Once you select a book, all of the levels are there for you.  If for some reason, the levels are not there, you can give suggestions to have them added.  Your books can be sorted in a number of different ways.  Love this!  I normally want them sorted alphabetically, but I may want to find all the books I have by the same author.  So easy!!

      The next menu tab is the wishlist.  I have not used that tab yet, but it looks just as simple to add a book to your wishlist as it does to add it to your library.  

    The roster menu tab is for you to add your students and check your books in and out for students.  I really have no intention of using this feature, but you never know, I may use it one day!

      This is the scan menu tab.  This is where you can scan a book into your library or can manually search for your book to add it into your library.  You would also use this tab if you were doing the check-in/check-out system with your students.  I just thought as I was typing, you could use this if another teacher wants to borrow one of your books!  I always forget who borrows my books!!  This would be great to use!

      Anyway, I hope this little review helps you!  

Till next time...
Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Classroom

      It's Sunday Funday with Latoya over at Flying into First.  She is hosting a great linky that I am so excited about!  The topic is:  My Classroom!  How great is that?  It's always great to see other teachers' classroom and  see the cool stuff they have and are doing!


     We will get acquainted today by sharing three(3) of our favorite areas in our classrooms.

      Ok, so my desk does not look like this right now, but I like my little "teacher cave."  It's over in a corner of the room.  I don't get to sit here often while students are in the room, but when they are away, this is usually where you'll find me grading, paperwork, etc...  You know the drill.  :)

      I also love this little corner of the room.  This is my reading area.  I have a little wicker loveseat and chair over there with a few little stuffed friends too.  They get over there and cuddle and read and I just love it!  It is so cozy!  

      Ok, so this is a terrible picture.  It was taken at the beginning of the year when I was just moving into this room, but you can see the beginning of how it's going to shape up.  Anyway, the things I love about this round tables.  I love these tables.  I have moved classrooms three times in four years and these tables have gone with me each and every move.  You can also see my reading area in the background taking shape, and I also love my decorations hanging from the ceiling.  BTW, did you notice how big my room is?  I got to move into a mansion of a room this year!  I hope I never move again!!!  (And, so does my family!!  Ha!!)  

I can't wait to see your favorite spots in your classroom!  

Hope y'all have a great week!

Till next time...
Saturday, April 20, 2013

Fraturday Flashback!

      I am a day late linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching and Teaching Maddeness so it's officially a Fraturday linkup!  Better late than never, right?!?!


Soooo, I hope your week week was fabulous!  Here is a rundown of mine....

    I got to celebrate with one of our teacher's on Monday for her 50th birthday!  We had such a fun time with food, fun, and fellowship!  It's nice just to hang out with my coworkers, because we NEVER get to just talk!  When we're at school, it is a constant go, go, go!  I know you can relate!

      Our school is part of a program called Healthmpowers.  We have to complete a lot of health activities as well as fitness things.  We have to track our time, and the more time our school logs, the more materials they give us!  Pretty cool, huh?  One of the programs that Healthmpowers does for us is brings the Body Walk to our school.  The students get to travel through the body and learn about the different organs and how to stay healthy!  It is really cool and the kids LOVE it! 

      We also got to have field day this week!  I told you it was a busy week!  Ha!  I had not been feeling good  this week so I was really dreading field day!  But, I woke up feeling some better.  It was a beautiful day and my class was SO, SO sweet the entire day!  There was no meanness, just preciousness all day long!  Loved it!  

So Much Fun!

       And last, but not least...I am finally on SPRING BREAK y'all!!!!  After all these weeks of you guys enjoying your spring break, mine has finally arrived!  I cannot wait to wake up to NO alarm clock!  Sleeping is one of my favorite things!  We have no big plans for the beginning of the week, but later in the week, we are heading to the beach for a little R & R!  So excited!

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

Till next time...     
Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Monday and a FREEBIE!

      Happy Monday everyone!  It is a very happy Monday indeed!  I have four days, count them ----FOUR DAYS and we will finally be on Spring Break!  I have been so jealous of all of you having your spring breaks and I thought mine would never come!  You better believe I will be doing the happy Friday dance in FOUR days!!

      Anyway, I am stopping by tonight to link up with Flying Into First for her fabulous weekly linky as well as linking up with Classroom Freebies for a fun Spring Bump game in honor of my long awaited Spring Break!  Ha!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

      For LaToya's linky, the topic is...

 The Skittles Game
Here is the code:
Red- Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
Orange- Favorite Memory from College
Yellow- Favorite Sports Team
Green- Favorite Fast Food Place
Purple- Wild Card(Tell anything about yourself)

Red - We have this little specialty ice cream store that opens in the spring and summer that has all these amazing ice cream flavors, some of which I would never try (caramel bacon, HOT Mexican chocolate).  Ummm, no thanks!  My all time favorite they offer though is Bourbon Burnt Sugar!  Man, is it ever delish!!! They have other stuff too like peanut butter and jelly, coffee and donuts, really cool flavors! 

Orange - I hope I don't get in trouble for this one, but when I was a freshman, some of my sorority sisters and I dressed up like Madonna (I'm dating myself...the whole 80's garb was kickin'!)  Mind you, I was a freshman so very underage, but we all headed to a club for one of them to participate in a lip synch contest!  We had such a great time!  

Yellow - My favorite sports team is any team my son is playing on!  I also love the Clemson Tigers!  My husband played football there so they always hold a special place!!


Green - Welcome to Moe's!  I love Moe's!

Purple - I cannot wait for Spring Break!  I know, that's not really something about myself, but I really, really have spring break on the brain!

Now, for my link-up with Classroom Freebies!  This is a fun Spring Bump game for your little kiddos to play!

Now, had over to Classroom Freebies and grab some great freebies!  And, don't forget to link up with Flying Into First!

Till next time...
Monday, April 8, 2013


      Just popping in very quickly tonight to offer you a quick freebie!  I use book boxes in my room as part of my students read to self and read with a partner.  In order to trade out a book, they must complete this book box form.  It gives me a record of what they are reading on their own and it gives a record of their understanding of the book.  It also gives them an opportunity to state an opinion about the book and whether or not they would recommend it to a friend.  There are two on a page and I print them front to back, cut them apart, and put them in a book box form basket.

      I hope you can use it!  Click on the picture to grab your FREEBIE!

      Also, I am linking up with Classroom Freebies so hop over and grab some great FREEBIES!

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday
Till next time...

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Stranded on an Island Linky

     Well, it's Sunday night and you know what that means!  It's time to link up with LaToya at Flying Into First for her fun weekly linky called Let's Get Acquainted!


This week, the topic is:  3 things you MUST HAVE if you are stranded on a desert island!

1.  I would want my hubby with me!  He is a definite keeper!  You can read about him here!

2.  I would need my cell phone.  I know, I may or may not have any electricity, but it'll be good while it lasts!

3.  I would need some sunscreen!  I burn so easily and my dermatologist wants me to wear at least a 45-50  
     every day on my face, which I do...every. single. day!!

Well, that's it for tonight!

Till next time!
Friday, April 5, 2013

My Week in Review

      WOW!  This has been a looonnnggg week!  I was so glad to wake up and know that today was finally  Friday!  Did your week feel long?

       And, it just wouldn't be Friday without linking up with Amanda at Teaching Maddeness and Doodle Bugs Teaching for my week in review!

•  Teaching Blog Addict is having a little birthday bash!  They are hosting the ultimate freebie celebration with freebies for grades Pre-K through 6th grade!  Head over there to grab up some great freebies!!

                                      First Grade and 2nd Grade Free Download - Teacher Freebies on Teaching Blog Addict

•  We had to have a little crisis drill lockdown on Tuesday.  They were all super sweet and stayed as quiet as a mouse!  It was so quiet and still that a few decided it would be a great time for a nap!  Wish I could have joined them!  Ha

•  We've been working a bit on practicing basic fractions and how the whole must be in equal parts.  I learned about this little game while taking my masters classes in math education.  It is so simple and yet the kids LOVE it!  They make the game  pieces and practice fractions and it keeps them actively learning!  What more could you ask?
 The materials are:  construction paper (at least 4 colors) and 
                              a die that can be labeled with 1/2, 1/4, 1/8

How to prepare:  Decide which color will represent each fraction of the whole.  (I used blue for 1/2, yellow     
                           for 1/4, and hot pink for 1/8.  For the gameboard, I used brown.  The gameboard 
                           represents the whole.)
                           For your color that represents the half, I tell them to fold the paper in half, crease it, lick it 
                           (I know, but  it helps with the tearing!), and then tear it.  Set this aside.

**Side note, my professor said that if was really important for them to actually tear the pieces instead of cutting them with scissors.  She said that they make more of a connection of how the pieces fit together to make the whole.  I've always had them tear it and they understand the concepts  I want them to learn so why mess up a good thing, right?

                           Do the same thing for your paper that will represent the 1/4, but then tear each half in half.
                           Do the same thing for your paper that will represent the 1/8, but tear each 1/4 into 1/8.  
                           Are you still with me????  Hope so, because your kids will love it!

How to play:  Each kiddo puts their gameboard in front of them.  The first player rolls the die and the student 
                           covers whatever the die tells them.  The next player does the same thing.  They must cover
                           the entire gameboard with none overlapping and none overhanging.  It must be a perfect 
                           fit.  The first one to cover their gameboard is the winner!  So easy!

      As students play this game, they come to see equivalent fractions and begin to use these equivalent fractions to cover whatever their die lands on.  It is so cool to watch!  They love it!  If you have any questions, just ask!  I know those directions are about as clear as mud!!

•  We all have them...the day that just won't end.  Today was my day.  Today has not been the easiest of days.  The kids are ready for spring break, I'm ready for spring break, and we still have two weeks to go.  UGH!  My kiddos, who are normally so, so sweet to each other are "Whah-whah-whahing" my to death!  Bickering about this, that, and everything in between... I am just so exhausted from it!!
   Anyway, I digress, you get the idea!  I know you can relate!  I drag myself to my car after school and I find a beautiful bouquet of flowers inside.  My sweet husband had taken his lunch time to go get flowers, drive from his job, and put them in my car with a sweet note for me to find!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!  He had no idea that I'd had a rough day, which makes it even more perfect!  It was just the pick-me-up I needed to start this wonderful weekend!

I hope you had a great week!  Now, go link up and blog about your it!!

Till next time...
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Expo Removes Sharpie...Who Knew?!

      As I was looking on Pinterest, (♥) I saw where you could remove Sharpie marker with an Expo marker!   WHAT, WHAT???!!!

      It  looked so simple and easy that of course, I had to try it!  All you do is completely cover the Sharpie writing with Expo and then, wipe it off!  It is really that easy!!

This is part of my helper chart and now 2 years later, I have this little girl's brother!  I just really HATE to drag out the cleaner/nail polish remover to clean it!  Since I had extras, I just never did...until now!

Completely scribble all over the writing!

Grab a paper towel and start wiping!  You really don't have to wipe hard at all!

Look how it is just coming right off - - - - permanent marker, who knew?!?!

And, here it is!  Completely gone!!

      Did any of you know  this great trick?  

Do you have any tips or tricks that would make a 
teacher's life sooooo much easier?

Till next time...
Monday, April 1, 2013

April Currently and a FREEBIE!

        The days just keep ticking right on by!  I can hardly believe it is time to link up with Farley again for her April Currently!  

      Here's mine:

      It's the home opener for the Braves and all the boys at my house want to watch the Braves.  This has been the most anticipated season that I remember in a long time!  It seems my Facebook is blowing up about this upcoming season!

      It is just so beautiful outside right now!  I really wanted a snow day, but I am over that now!  It is finally spring and it is glorious!

      We had a Family Math Make and Take night at school tonight.  Plus, they threw in a PTO meeting.   I just didn't even go home.  I stayed and worked so I. AM. TIRED.  I just really think I want to go to bed  now and slllleeeeeppp for a long time!

      I so, so, so NEED Spring Break.  We won't have ours until the third week of April!  It can't come soon enough!!

      There is no need to worry so...don't worry!  I know, I know, easier said than done.  But, just know that if God takes care of the flowers and bird, how much more will He take care of you?  He's got this!  Right?

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

      Now, for the's a Dictionary Search.  I am linking up with Classroom Freebies for Manic Monday.
 I have my kiddos use it to look up vocabulary words from their guided reading lessons.  We also make it into a fun game of Dictionary, where they race to find the words and write them down.  Anytime, there is a race of any kind, they are all in!  Of course, you can use it any way that you see fit.  I hope it helps your kiddos!

      I hope you have a great week!

Till next time... 



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