WOW! This has been a looonnnggg week! I was so glad to wake up and know that today was
finally Friday! Did your week feel long?
And, it just wouldn't be Friday without linking up with
Amanda at Teaching Maddeness and
Doodle Bugs Teaching for my week in review!
Teaching Blog Addict is having a little birthday bash! They are hosting the ultimate freebie celebration with freebies for grades Pre-K through 6th grade! Head over there to grab up some great freebies!!
• We had to have a little crisis drill lockdown on Tuesday. They were all super sweet and stayed as quiet as a mouse! It was so quiet and still that a few decided it would be a great time for a nap! Wish I could have joined them! Ha
• We've been working a bit on practicing basic fractions and how the whole must be in equal parts. I learned about this little game while taking my masters classes in math education. It is so simple and yet the kids LOVE it! They make the game pieces and practice fractions and it keeps them actively learning! What more could you ask?
The materials are: construction paper (at least 4 colors) and
a die that can be labeled with 1/2, 1/4, 1/8
How to prepare: Decide which color will represent each fraction of the whole. (I used blue for 1/2, yellow
for 1/4, and hot pink for 1/8. For the gameboard, I used brown. The gameboard
represents the whole.)
For your color that represents the half, I tell them to fold the paper in half, crease it, lick it
(I know, but it helps with the tearing!), and then tear it. Set this aside.
**Side note, my professor said that if was really important for them to actually tear the pieces instead of cutting them with scissors. She said that they make more of a connection of how the pieces fit together to make the whole. I've always had them tear it and they understand the concepts I want them to learn so why mess up a good thing, right?
Do the same thing for your paper that will represent the 1/4, but then tear each half in half.
Do the same thing for your paper that will represent the 1/8, but tear each 1/4 into 1/8.
Are you still with me???? Hope so, because your kids will love it! ☺
How to play: Each kiddo puts their gameboard in front of them. The first player rolls the die and the student
covers whatever the die tells them. The next player does the same thing. They must cover
the entire gameboard with none overlapping and none overhanging. It must be a perfect
fit. The first one to cover their gameboard is the winner! So easy!
As students play this game, they come to see equivalent fractions and begin to use these equivalent fractions to cover whatever their die lands on. It is so cool to watch! They love it! If you have any questions, just ask! I know those directions are about as clear as mud!!
• We all have them...the day that just won't end. Today was my day. Today has not been the easiest of days. The kids are ready for spring break, I'm ready for spring break, and we still have two weeks to go. UGH! My kiddos, who are normally so, so sweet to each other are "Whah-whah-whahing" my to death! Bickering about this, that, and everything in between... I am just so exhausted from it!!
Anyway, I digress, you get the idea! I know you can relate! I drag myself to my car after school and I find a beautiful bouquet of flowers inside. My sweet husband had taken his lunch time to go get flowers, drive from his job, and put them in my car with a sweet note for me to find! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! He had no idea that I'd had a rough day, which makes it even more perfect! It was just the pick-me-up I needed to start this wonderful weekend!
I hope you had a great week! Now, go link up and blog about your it!!
Till next time...